The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-6

Keep your eyes on the prize! A great quote that is easier said then done. We are nearly 4 months into the season. HVS teams have conducted thousands of practices, competed in over 400 games, have traveled all around the Southeast and have endured extremely hot weather and more recently very cold temperatures. It is…

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An Interview with Top Talent Scout – Tony Shaw

I have always enjoyed our club, but I got tired of watching generations of players in Birmingham not have the opportunity to play together because of parental opinions. Now that we are part of the Premier League in this sport in our country, it is time to get the serious players together. Those that want…

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HVS Director’s Cut Vol. 4-5 (en espanol abajo)

October was fun!  We played over 100 games and then ended the month with Halloween.  Overall, our club record stands at 139-123-52.  That is over 300 games played in just 2 months.  Many of our teams finished the month on a strong note.  Our MLS boys went 4-1-1 last weekend, and our girls went a…

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-4

September came fast and flew by!  School started, games started and HVS teams have already played over 200 games.  HVS teams are 101-66-40 in official games so far.  This is a terrific start to the year, but even more important to me is how our teams have progressed from the start of preseason until now. …

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-3

Preseason is over and we are just a few days away from the start of League Games.  Our teams have won our fair share in preseason but way more important, our teams and players have learned, progressed, and gotten closer to playing the way we want to play. For our boy’s teams that played in…

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-2

The new season is off and running.  Most of our teams have already played at least 1 friendly game.  So far, each team looks to be even better than last year.  Our girls’ teams will get a lot of action this coming weekend with the Girls Liberty Cup.  Boys will get their games a week…

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-1

We are about to start our 4th year of HVS. It is hard to believe we have come so far in so short a time. This year we will have 25 teams playing in 4 different leagues. We have over 400 players and 23 coaches. We have dozens of Team Administrators, Trainers, and other support…

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Director’s Cut, Vol. 3-9

Congratulations to our DPL 09 & 10 Girls.  Both teams participated in the first ever DPL Summit in Florida.  Both teams played well and produced some good results. We have also had some strong results from other teams.  Our 08 MLS NEXT boys have gone 4-0-0 over the past two weeks.  Our 2009 NPL boys…

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 3-8

Congratulations are in order for our U19 MLS NEXT boys.  They have qualified for the MLS NEXT FLEX finals in Maryland from May 12-15. Over the past few weeks, I have observed a number of games and I have observed some disappointing behavior by some parents.  The good news, it was not HVS parents.  Our…

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Director’s Cut, Vol. 3-7

I was recently asked why we constantly post the results of our games if our club is dedicated to player development?  This is a great question!  We post the results because we do value competition.  Working hard and working as a team in order to win is one of the most important lessons that sport…

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