HVS Director’s Cut Vol. 4-5 (en espanol abajo)

October was fun!  We played over 100 games and then ended the month with Halloween.  Overall, our club record stands at 139-123-52.  That is over 300 games played in just 2 months.  Many of our teams finished the month on a strong note.  Our MLS boys went 4-1-1 last weekend, and our girls went a…

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-4

September came fast and flew by!  School started, games started and HVS teams have already played over 200 games.  HVS teams are 101-66-40 in official games so far.  This is a terrific start to the year, but even more important to me is how our teams have progressed from the start of preseason until now. …

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UAB Wellness Check – Protein and Performance

Why protein? Nutrition is a key contributor to optimized sports performance, and adequate protein is a main component to building a balanced plate. For youth athletes, dietary protein is needed to lay the foundation for muscle mass and support healthy growth and development… Read more with this informational PDF from UAB Sports and Exercise Medicine!

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HVS Reading Buddies!

HVS Reading Buddies makes its way to South Shades Crest Elementary! Thanks to Mrs Dixon for having us!

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-3

Preseason is over and we are just a few days away from the start of League Games.  Our teams have won our fair share in preseason but way more important, our teams and players have learned, progressed, and gotten closer to playing the way we want to play. For our boy’s teams that played in…

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Integra Forensics ACT Prep Class Kicks Off!

Thanks to Integra Forensics and instructor James Bondurant for a great first session of our free ACT Prep Class. These classes are held each August for players from HVS, VHSC, and HSC better to prepare them for the ACT College entrance tests.

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-2

The new season is off and running.  Most of our teams have already played at least 1 friendly game.  So far, each team looks to be even better than last year.  Our girls’ teams will get a lot of action this coming weekend with the Girls Liberty Cup.  Boys will get their games a week…

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The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-1

We are about to start our 4th year of HVS. It is hard to believe we have come so far in so short a time. This year we will have 25 teams playing in 4 different leagues. We have over 400 players and 23 coaches. We have dozens of Team Administrators, Trainers, and other support…

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ACT Prep Class this August… Presented by Integra Forensics!

RE:  ACT Prep Class, presented by Integra Forensics Information:  Mondays @ 6:00- 8:30 PM on Aug 7, 14, 21 28 HVS is excited to announce that Integra Forensics is our newest sponsor. A national leader in Accident Reconstruction, they provide scientific analysis to help clients in a variety of settings, from transportation to general industry. As such, they…

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HVS announces Luke Whittle as Director of Girl’s Program!

RE:  HVS Adds Girl’s Director Position  Hoover- Vestavia Soccer announced today that Luke Whittle has been named Girls Director. Luke is entering his 26th year coaching soccer at VHSC and now HVS, and recently led the HVS 08 girls to the National Playoffs for the 2nd consecutive year! HVS has grown from 17 teams in…

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