Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What in the world is going on!
A: Vestavia Hills Soccer Club and Hoover Soccer Club are partnering with each other to form top level teams in each age group u11-u19, boys and girls. Those teams will play for a new entity, called Hoover-Vestavia Soccer (HVS).
Q: Why now?
A: This pandemic offers the same opportunity that Americans have seized during past crises: to set aside petty differences, and set to work on creating a better model. We are launching this initiative in hopes of supporting that instinct.
Q: What about all the other programming at the two clubs?
A: This partnership only strengthens the existing programs at VHSC and HSC. Each club will still provide the full menu of recreational soccer for kindergarteners through high school seniors. Both clubs’ Academy programs, and Alabama Soccer Association teams u12-u19, will still remain.
Q: So this is not a merger?
A: No- this is a partnership to combine the top players in the area to form high- level teams. The majority of both clubs’ programming will remain unchanged.
Q: Where will the HVS teams play and practice?
A: Training and game schedules will be coordinated to minimize conflicts, and allow for the best soccer environment possible. Once tryouts are complete we will complete the training schedule.
Q: What facilities will HVS use?
A: With this partnership, HVS has access to ten full sized turf fields, 16 grass fields, as well as indoor (Finley Center) and outdoor (SHAC) futsal courts. The main training hubs for HVS will be the Hoover Met and SHAC/ Liberty Park and Hoover East Sports Complex.
Q: When are HVS tryouts?
A: Before the virus, we had a set calendar…now not so much…. We DO know that HVS tryouts are planned before VHSC and HSC tryouts, so any player who does not make an HVS team can return to his or her current club for those team formations.
Q: Will there be Talent ID Dates, Pre-Tryout Camps, and Informational Meetings?
A: Again, before the virus, we had this all mapped out, and it is still our intention to hold all of these events ahead of tryouts, once we are given the all- clear from the authorities.
Q: Who is in charge of HVS?
A: HVS’s Co-Executive Directors are Tomas Fox from HSC and Rocky Harmon from VHSC. The Director of Coaching is Mike Getman, former UAB Men’s Head Coach for over twenty years.
Q: What other benefits are there to this partnership?
A: Other benefits include a larger pool of top level coaching, recreational program synergy, and inter-club developmental opportunities at all ages and levels.
Q: What about fees, coaching staff, and uniform information?
A: Please check the website for details!