The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-3

Preseason is over and we are just a few days away from the start of League Games. Our teams have won our fair share in preseason but way more important, our teams and players have learned, progressed, and gotten closer to playing the way we want to play.
For our boy’s teams that played in the Labor Day Invitational, we hope you enjoyed the experience. Watching our teams play against other high-level opponents was enjoyable and educational. Having MLS NEXT, International, and Elite Clubs made for an exciting weekend of action. Plans are already underway to expand the event for next year!
We have a few upcoming events.
Thursday, Sept. 7 at 4:00 PM we will have a Zoom Meeting with Breathwork specialist JJ Ruescas. This session is geared for Boys & Girls ages 15 and up. This is the Zoom link for the session, and this is an information website from JJ. The session is expected to last about 1 hour. This is another special learning opportunity from our partners at Mindto. Please try to be in a location where you can lay down.
Friday, Sept. 8 at 4:30 PM we will host a Boys College Recruiting Seminar on Zoom. While this session is geared towards Juniors & Seniors, all High School age players and parents are welcome to attend. Meeting ID: 838 3716 8855 Passcode: 443969
Sunday, Sept. 10 at 8:00 PM we will have an Informational Zoom Meeting for girls interested in learning more about our upcoming trip to Spain. Any 2008-2005 player or parent is welcome to attend this meeting to learn all the details. Even if you are not planning to go, this information will be helpful to learn about future HVS trips and what we offer. Meeting ID: 893 2864 9310 Passcode: 547841
Every Monday night from 6-8 PM we have our Monday Night Training Room at Liberty Park. Any HVS player can stop by to get looked at, treated, or rehab with our Head Trainer Kenny Davis.
Parents, for any questions you have about your team or our club, please make sure you start with your team coach. They will usually have the information you need and will likely get you a quicker response than if you reach out to one of our directors.
Please remember to wait 24 hours before approaching your coach about playing time or other game related issues. Immediately after the game is not an appropriate time to talk and our club policy prohibits our coaches from discussing these kinds of issues after the game. They will be happy to speak with you the following day or any other time.
Never talk negatively to opponent players, parents, or the referees. Even when they say the wrong things or start the argument. Please take the “high road” and keep your thoughts to yourself. If there is information that you think they need to hear, wait 24 hours to decide if it is still important.
We have had a great atmosphere and a great energy at our games so far. Thank you for all that you have done to help HVS set a great example for everyone.
I look forward to seeing everyone on the fields.
Mike Getman
HVS Director