The Director’s Cut – Vol. 3-1

Soccer season is here! All HVS teams have started practice and some games have been played.
Practice schedules and Game schedules are all listed in BYGA. Make sure to put the App on your phone to stay updated. All official club communication will be thru BYGA.
For the 3rd year in a row our club has grown. We now have 22 teams and nearly 380 players! We will be playing in 4 different leagues. Boys will play in MLS NEXT, NPL, and the SCCL. Our Girls will play in the DPL and SCCL. By playing in the highest levels of competition, our players and teams will continue to improve every week.
The services our club offers also continue to grow. We will of course offer the best coaching available in the state. We also offer specialized Goalkeeper Training for all our goalies. We also offer Athletic Performance Training for our oldest boys and girls. We are excited to have Jake Rufe from the Birmingham Legion leading this training. New for this year will be Nutrition Seminars led by experts from UAB. We will also offer Mental Training for our players and coaches. College Recruiting Seminars will be led by our College Liaisons Kat Nichols and Mike Getman. Kenny Davis our Athletic Trainer will once again offer Monday Night Training Room (moved to Liberty Park). This free service provides injury diagnosis and rehab. We will be starting our new ACT Prep Course for Juniors & Seniors on Monday nights at the SHAC Meeting Room. Media Days are scheduled for all teams over the next few weeks. We will be taking team and individual photos for use in club newsletters as well as social media.
We are also excited to have added several new coaches to our club. Moises Roman returns to HVS. He will be working with our boys NPL 04/05 and 07 teams. Armando Perez will be working with our 2011 Grey boys. Both are exceptional coaches who make our coaching staff better. Did you know that 8 of our coaches have played at the Professional or National Team level? 18 of our coaches have played at the College level. All of our coaches are experts in helping young players develop and reach for their goals.
Thank you to the amazing Grounds Crew at Vestavia Hills and Hoover. All of our 23 fields are in amazing shape as we start the year. With 9 turf fields at our disposal, we are the only club in the state with access to so many great Bermuda Grass fields and Artificial Turf. The ability to continue training after rainy weather allows our players to continue their development when others are just sitting at home.
Here are a few important dates that are coming up.
Aug. 14, 7:00 PM – HVS Club Zoom. All players, parents, and staff.
Aug. 21, 7:00 PM – Boys College Recruiting Zoom
Aug. 28, 7:00 PM – Girls College Recruiting Zoom
We have also started a newsletter to help keep everyone informed about HVS goings on. We look forward to a great season!
Mike Getman
HVS Director of Coaching