Director’s Cut, Year 2 – Vol. 5

On the field we had a very good week. Our Girls teams went 6-3-4 and our Boys went 6-2-0 for a combined total of 12-5-4. Total for the year we are 105-88-40 as a club.
Over the last few weeks, we have been able to add some special programming that has benefited our players and teams. 1st we have added Monday Night Health Checks at SHAC for all players. This is a drop-in clinic for injuries and rehab with Kenny Davis our Athletic Trainer. Kenny is available each Monday night from 6:00-8:00 PM in the SHAC Meeting Room. There are 3 more Health Checks scheduled: Nov. 1, 8, & 15. Please take advantage of this free resource for treatment and rehab of any injuries.
We also had 2 special sessions, Faster-Safer, with Stacey Torman, the Director of Athletic Performance at UAB. Stacey taught our players and coaches the modern methods of warm-up and speed training. Stacey is one of the most highly qualified Performance experts in the nation!
The video from our two College Night recruiting seminars are still available by clicking on either link: Boys or Girls. This is a great resource for all of our High School age players who are thinking about playing in college.
We are also excited to announce that HVS has added an entire Performance Analysis Department. We now have 7 people working on breaking down our video to help our coaches and players understand even better what is happening in the games. The Peformance Analysis will be used to improve individual performance and team performance on a weekly basis. HVS is the only club in our state that has a dedicated Analysis staff.
The 7 members of our staff are Senior Lead Analyst Chivam Chopra. Team Analysts; William Veys, Goncalo Pereira & Gracjan Piascik. Lead Oppositional Analyst Thomas Hazelwood and Advisors; Oleg Sinelnikov and Colin Barnes.
Coming up on Nov. 16 is our HVS Night. This is an opportunity to showcase our oldest boy’s and girl’s teams along with recognizing all of the players in our club for their tremendous effort so far this season. 2004/03 Girls will play 2005 Girls at 7:00 PM at the Hoover Met Turf #3. 2004/03 NPL Boys will play the 2004/03 MLS Boys at 7:00 PM at the Met Turf #2. We will be introducing all players and coaches just before the start of the match and free dinner from Jimmy Johns will be served.
Join us Nov. 16th for “HVS Night” at the Met.
As the fall season comes to a close, we would like to invite the entire HVS family out to our second annual HVS Night, brought to you by Jimmy Johns. Come watch our 2004/03 DPL take on our 2005 DPL girls, as well as the 2004/03 MLS vs 2004/03 NPL boys match-up. Both matches start at 7:00pm at the Hoover Met turf complex.
If you would like to order FREE Jimmy Johns for your player and one parent/sibling, click. to place your order. Deadline to place your Jimmy Johns order is Nov 9th.
Our 1st ever Silent Auction is quickly approaching. All proceeds will go to our Financial Assistance Program. Look for more details in our next Director’s Cut.
We have had a busy and productive October. We are working hard to continue the development and success of our players and our teams.
We are also working hard to keep information flowing thru Social Media. Please follow us at:
Twitter: @HooverVestavia
Facebook: @hoovervestaviasoccer
Instagram: HooverVestaviaSoccer
Thank you for all that you do to support your children and our club. We look forward to seeing you on the field.
Mike Getman
Director of Coaching