The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-8

The spring season has been an exciting one so far for HVS. Our teams have a combined record of 28-27-13 Our 2007 MLS boys are still undefeated in league play and sitting tied for 1st place in the league. Our 2008 MLS boys have qualified for the MLS NEXT Flex Finals in Maryland and our 2009 boys just need a tie in their upcoming game with KSA in order to qualify.
Congrats to our 2011 DPL girls who have only lost one league game all season and are fighting for a spot at Nationals. Our 2010 & 2011 girls participated in the DPL Summit in Dallas. While the event was disrupted by poor weather, we congratulate both teams on qualifying & participating.
We have had 14 Seniors commit to play college soccer so far. Congratulations to:
1. Devin James 05/06 MLS Bard College
2 Joel Callins 05/06 MLS Shaw University
3. Adam Watson 05/06 MLS North Central
4. Joseph Carter 05/06 MLS Univ. of West Alabama
5. Toby Longnecker 05/06 MLS Georgia Southwestern
6. Om Shrestha 05/06 MLS Birmingham Southern College
7. Raul Hernandez 05/06 N2 Southern Union
8. Matthew Chaux 05/06 N2 Southern Union
9. Yossef Awad 05/06 N2 Birmingham Southern College
10. Katie Irving 05/06 DPL Florida Southern
11. Cecilia Smith 05/06 DPL Georgia State Univ.
12. Lanie Shaw 05/06 DPL Univ. of Mobile
13. River Riley 05/06 DPL Pittsburg State Univ.
14 Leah Wallace 05/06 DPL Xavier of Louisiana
HVS will host our annual Signing Day on Sunday, April 14 at 4:00 PM at Liberty Park #10. All college signees will be recognized at this event, and we will hang the new banners on the fence.
HVS is growing. Starting in the Fall we will add U11 (2014) teams for boys and girls. We will have two teams per gender. Look for lots of collaboration and club cross- training with VHSC and HSC (and our affiliates) in the coming weeks as we prepare to add these new teams.
We are excited to announce that Coach Marine Cano has been hired to be the new Girl’s College Liaison. Coach Cano has 30+ years of college coaching experience. He is an NCAA National Champion! He replaces Coach Kat Nichols who has accepted a new job coaching at Pittsburg State University.
On Monday, March 18 at 6:30 PM, I will host a recruiting seminar on Zoom. All High School Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen are invited to learn more about the recruiting process. Use this link to join us.
April 15 – May 2 is our Open Training Window. Players from other clubs are invited to come to training and see what HVS is all about.
We will host our annual Pre-Tryout Camp on May 9-10. This camp is an opportunity to spend a few days working with our coaches and sharpening your game before tryouts.
Tryouts will be May 11-12. Times and locations will be announced very soon. As we have done in the past, some players may be signed ahead of tryouts.
Here is a quick calendar of upcoming events:
Monday, March 18 6:30 PM – Recruiting Seminar by Zoom
March 23-31 – Spring Break (No training or games)
Sunday, April 14 4:00 PM – Senior Signing Day
Monday April 15- May 2 – Open Training Window
May 9-10 – Pre-Tryout Camp
May 11-12 – TRYOUTS!
I look forward to seeing everyone on the fields
Mike Getman
HVS Director