The Director’s Cut, Vol. 4-2

The new season is off and running. Most of our teams have already played at least 1 friendly game. So far, each team looks to be even better than last year. Our girls’ teams will get a lot of action this coming weekend with the Girls Liberty Cup. Boys will get their games a week later at the Boys Liberty Cup. From there on, it will be games nearly every weekend for the rest of the fall.
With summer heat we often get pop up storms in the late afternoon. If there is a chance of storms, we ask parents to stay nearby during practice so players can get away from Lightning by getting back in the car.
Don’t forget to wear the right items for practice. White Practice Shirt, Black Shorts, and Black Socks. Bring shin guards and a water bottle every day. Bring LOTS of water. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to provide coolers for everyone at practice, so bring as much as you can carry. No one ever complained about having too much water on a hot day.
Every Monday night from 6-8 PM we have our Monday Night Training Room at Liberty Park. Any HVS player can stop by to get looked at, treated, or rehab with our Head Trainer Kenny Davis.
We are pleased to announce the plans for our International Trips this year. 2008-2005 Girls will have the opportunity to travel to Valencia, Spain during the Thanksgiving Break, Nov. 17-26. Our 2008-2005 Next2 & SCCL Boys will also travel to Valencia from Dec. 27-Jan 6. Our MLS Boys will once again travel during Spring Break, March 22-31. This trip will be to Munich, Germany and Austria. All trips will include 3 matches against high-level competition, training with coaches from the host country, stadium tours along with viewing of professional games. More details on each trip will be coming very soon.
We are very excited to announce a new partnership with Mindto.
Mindto is an educational multimedia platform focused on improving the wellness of students and athletes. We aim to provide them with information on a variety of topics through our holistic eight-pillar approach to wellness: Mental, Emotional, Physical, Financial, Spiritual, Occupational, Environmental, and Social.
Our mission is to make wellness and mental health information more accessible, affordable, engaging, and rewarding. Our goal is to educate young athletes and students on wellness to destigmatize this subject from a young age and to facilitate behavioral changes for better and more appropriate habits and routines. Through our educational platform, our content will allow students and athletes to learn and consider their growth and self-development as one of the main factors for happiness and future achievements.
Please follow us on our Instagram @mindto.usa
Mindto will be providing us with Podcasts, Videos, Articles, Challenges, & Live Workshops on many topics related to Mental Fitness and Well-Being. Please click this link to read the first article.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Mike Getman
HVS Director