RE: COVID-19 UPDATES 1/11/2022
Unfortunately, COVID-19 is not going away and the omicron variant is spreading much more rapidly than any other variants. You may have heard that the infection with omicron results in less severe disease than infection with the prior variants. This may or may not be true, but what is undisputed is that the rapid spread of omicron means that many thousands of people will be infected within a similar timeframe, burdening the healthcare system, hindering medical procedures, and limiting access to care for all.
As a club, we want to be responsible citizens and do our part in the community to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.
Here are the top four things you can do to help the community and keep your soccer player playing:
- Get vaccinated. Get boosted if you are eligible. The Pfizer vaccine is now available to anyone 5 years of age and older. We urge all players and parents to get vaccinated.
- Be proactive. If your player is notified of (or has) a close contact exposure or has symptoms, report it in the COVID portal, so the club can take appropriate action to keep the whole team safe and playing. CLICK HERE TO REPORT
- A close contact exposure is being less than 6 ft away from an infected person for 15 or more cumulative minutes in a 24 hr period.
- Take appropriate action. If you get notice of a close contact exposure, DO NOT get tested immediately. Testing too soon can result in false negatives. Do the following if you have a close contact exposure:
- If you are vaccinated or have had COVID in the last 90 days, monitor for symptoms and take precautions around others (such as wearing a mask).
- If you are NOT vaccinated, isolate for 5 days OR test on day 3 and you can return with a negative test.
- If you TEST POSITIVE for COVID, isolate for 5 days (from date of positive test) before returning. If you are still experiencing symptoms at day 5, then continue to isolate until you are symptom-free without medication for 24 hours.
- Create and maintain safe team environments
- Please do NOT bring a player to practice that has ANY symptoms of illness. No one wants COVID or any other disease spread at practices or games.
- No team meals or gatherings indoors! The science still demonstrates (and we have observed first-hand) that the threat of viral transmission outdoors is still low. But indoor, crowded, or poorly ventilated events increase the spread of the virus DRAMATICALLY.
- If you must carpool, wear masks always, and keep the windows down whenever reasonable. Only carpool when absolutely necessary. This will limit the quarantine of everyone in the carpool, should one individual test positive for COVID.